Access to treatment for women crack users from the perspective of health professionals



Crack cocaine. Public health services. Gender and Health. Health vulnerability. Health services accessibility.


Crack consumption is a public health problem in Brazil. In this group, women are more vulnerable, especially because they have less access to treatment in health services. The aim of this study was analyze the senses of access to treatment of women crack users on health services, based on the perspective of health professionals. We used a qualitative empirical research of women 13 professional team using participant observation (54 visits) and half structured interviews, performed during eight months of immersion in a Psychosocial Care Center (acronym: CAPSad) for people with alcohol and other drugs problems. A management software, NVivo, were used for thematic data analyses. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board. The senses to access of treatment are: women motivations; what CAPSad needs to offer; and which facilitate the access to treatment. For them the women need help because of the context of vulnerability and the demand for an answer to their failed body. Consequently, it is concluded that is a major importance that service structural organization is necessary in order to facilitate access to treatment, that includes less bureaucracy, flexible work, proposal and street work.



How to Cite

Vernaglia TVC, Cruz MS, Peres S. Access to treatment for women crack users from the perspective of health professionals. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):184-97. Available from: