Work organization and illness of bank workers: a literature review



Occupational health. Occupational risks. Social determinants of health. Mental disorders


  This  article  presents  an  analysis  of  scientific  production  of  relations between health and labor of bank workers, found in theses, dissertations, articles in the national and international literature, produced in portuguese, english and spanish, in the period from 2008 to 2018. Methods: The study was conducted in data bases of the Virtual Health Library and PubMed, using the themes "bank workers" and "bank employees",  as  well  as  the  descriptors  “environmental  health",  "antidepressive agents",   "occupational   disease",   "stress,   psychological,"   "depressive   disorder", "Burnout,  professional,"  "cumulative  trauma  disorders"  and  with  the  free  terms "occupational   stress",   "stress",   “psychological   distress"   and   “psychosocial   work environment". We found 120 studies, of which 37 were specifically the topic. The analysis allowed us to find a description of the vision prevalent in the literature  about  the  characteristics  of  work  in  banks  that  relate  to  suffering,  workers wear and illness. The form of organization of the work process in the banking sector relates   to   the   suffering   and   illness,   which   may   lead   to   suicide.   Despite   the relationship   established   between   work   and   illness,   the   description   of   work organization   is   superficial   in   the   studies,   and   its   deepening   is   important   for understanding and transformation of this panorama.




How to Cite

Moronte EA, Albuquerque GSC de. Work organization and illness of bank workers: a literature review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];45(128 jan-mar):216-33. Available from: