Healing blessing in territories of the Family Health Strategy: perceptions of workers, users and healers



Primary Health Care. Family Health Strategy. Medicine, traditional.


The traditional practice of healing blessing (benzedura) existing within the Brazilian culture is a relevant symbolic expression and a differential in the role of listening and caring. This study aimed to capture the impacts of this practice in territories attended by the Family Health Strategy in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, analyzing the relationship between the components of religious and medicalscientific fields. This is a descriptive exploratory study involving a qualitative approach, approved by an Ethics Committee. Data were collected through 35 semi-structured interviews, using the thematic analysis for interpretation. The theoretical framework draws on the thought of Pierre Bourdieu on the dispute between fields of knowledge. Three categories emerged: Representations of the practice; Health and Religiosity/Spirituality; Relationship with healing blessing. The study highlighted the impact of blessing in the rescue of the subjective dimension of care, working on listening, support, comfort, strengthening and demedicalization. Associated to medicine, blessing means additional help that entails working the human being in his/her totality. This research will propel other studies on popular therapies and health and care production, as well as on the relationship between health and Religiosity/Spirituality



How to Cite

Assunção LM de, Querino RA, Rodrigues LR. Healing blessing in territories of the Family Health Strategy: perceptions of workers, users and healers. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];44(126 jul-set):762-73. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/3118