Interlocution of public policies regarding disaster risk management: the need for intersectoriality



Public policy. Disaster planning. Disasters. Risk Management.


In Brazil, the way to carry out disaster risk management has changed since Ordinance nº 12.608 of the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (PNPDEC), in 2012, which values sustainable development through the integration of public policies and their respective strategies for the guarantee of human rights. This way, the research analyzed the actions of public policy interaction on disaster risk management in a city located in the Foz do Rio Itajaí region, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The qualitative exploratory study was conducted through a semi-structured interview script answered by twelve participants, between employees and managers acting in nine different agencies that collaborate for the management of disaster risks. The use of the Grounded Theory allowed data to be analyzed and discussed through the content of the answers
and theoretical foundations. Some topics became evident, such as the lack of intersectoral actions focused on socio-environmental vulnerability, the focus on disaster response actions, and also the difficulty in continuing the work carried out due to the interruptions caused by changes in political administrations. It is suggested that socio-environmental vulnerability be discussed in a transversal way in all stages, articulated among all actors who are part of the process.



How to Cite

Vieira MS, Alves RB. Interlocution of public policies regarding disaster risk management: the need for intersectoriality. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];44(especial 2 jul):132-44. Available from: