Judicialization of medicines in the State of Rio de Janeiro: development from 2010 to 2017

Judicialización de medicamentos en Rio de Janeiro



Health’s judicialization. Pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmaceutical services.


This article aimed to describe the evolution of lawsuits requesting medicines in Rio de Janeiro State. This is a retrospective descriptive study, using the database of the Court of Justice in the period 2010-2017. Data were analyzed according to the variables: Municipality, Health Region and population size. Of the 87 counties (in 84 municipalities), 62 had an increase in the number of lawsuits. The Capital Judicial District concentrated the largest number of overturned cases, ranging from 2,026 to 2,797, with a similar pattern to the state. The largest increase in the number of actions was observed in the municipalities of the Small I group (158.1%) and a decrease of 10.2% in the Medium-sized municipalities. With the exception of the metropolises, the increase was more pronounced in the period 2014-2017 compared to the 2010-2014. There was a marked increase in lawsuits to the Special Courts of Public Treasury with detriment of the Lower Courts of Public Treasury. In conclusion, despite the general trend of growth, it presented a different trend according to the Judicial District, region and population size of the municipalities. Additionally, it was observed a migration of cases to Special Courts of Public Treasury in the Capital.



How to Cite

Peçanha L de O, Simas L, Luiza VL. Judicialization of medicines in the State of Rio de Janeiro: development from 2010 to 2017: Judicialización de medicamentos en Rio de Janeiro. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 4 dez):61-70. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/2987