The choice of the mode of delivery and the autonomy of women in Brazil: an integrative review

una revisión integradora



Parturition. Obstetrics. Cesarean section. Medicalization. Women’s health.


The article deals with an integrative review on the determinants that involve the choice of different ways about baby delivery in Brazil. Fifteen papers were selected and analyzed focusing on the choice of delivery method  from the perspective of women's autonomy and the prevalence of cesarean surgery. The study revealed three categories for analysis: the socioeconomic profile of women enrolled in public and private care, an asymmetric relationship between health professionals and the parturient;  sociocultural aspects that involve choosing the cesarean section commonly known as the "cesarean culture". The findings revealed aspects such as access to services, obstetric violence, and information to women about different ways of child birth  as a preponderant subject. As for the autonomy of women, they do not feel participative or respected in their decisions. The findings hope to contribute to the discussion about  measure elaborations   that guarantee women's right to participate in choosing the different types of delivery, resulting  in well-informed choices, rescuing  women's autonomy in their pregnancy-puerperal process.



How to Cite

Rocha NFF da, Ferreira J. The choice of the mode of delivery and the autonomy of women in Brazil: an integrative review: una revisión integradora. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];44(125 abr-jun):556-68. Available from: