Financialization, public funding, and the limits to the universality of health



Capitalism. Public policy. Public health. Unified Health System.


This essay aims to reflect on the repercussion of the financialization of the economy for the pretension of establishing a universal health system. From of an ontological approach of historical materialistic bias, the current situation of the financial dynamics is presented and how it is expressed in Work Bank guidelines; revealing the causal mechanism of underfunding of the unified health system, away from full universality; and demonstrates the structural limits of the public fund as an important mediation for implementation of a universal health system.



How to Cite

Souza D de O. Financialization, public funding, and the limits to the universality of health. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 5 dez):71-8. Available from: