Surveillance of water quality for human consumption: potentials and limitations regarding fluoridation according to the workers



Water supply. Fluoridation. Surveillance. Environmental health surveillance.


Water surveillance workers play a key role in the implementation of the National Water Quality Surveillance Program for Human Consumption and hold information suggesting the degree of structuring and institutionality of practices at the local level of health organizations. The objective was to describe the potentialities and difficulties related to the water fluoridation surveillance in a Brazilian metropolitan region according to the workers’ view. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals from seven cities in metropolitan region of Espírito Santo, Brazil, which were recorded, transcribed and interpreted in full according to the Thematic Content Analysis. The results allowed the elaboration of categories: recommendations of the legislation and the practice of fluoride concentration external control; difficulties and potential of the work process; dissemination of information to society. Most of the workers followed the current recommendations of the current legislation in the period of the interviews (Ordinance MS nº 2.914/2001), however, the need for structural and organizational adjustments was noted. The fluoride surveillance process faces problems, involving sample collection, analysis and dissemination of results. It’s clear the need for greater prioritization and allocation of resources for expansion and qualification of the surveillance of this public health measure.



How to Cite

Belotti L, Brandão S da R, Pacheco KT dos S, Frazão P, Esposti CDD. Surveillance of water quality for human consumption: potentials and limitations regarding fluoridation according to the workers. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 3 dez):51-62. Available from: