Projeto Gestão e Gentileza nos plantões noturnos de um hospital universitário: relato de experiência


  • Keli Bahia Felicíssimo Zocratto UFMG
  • Tânia Assis Souza Lopes UFMG
  • Marcus Vinícius da Silva Costa UFMG
  • Sônia Maria Nunes Viana
  • Mirela Castro Santos Camargos


Patient care team. Health management. Hospitals,university. Shift work schedule.


The present study aims to describe the experience of implementing the Extension Project "Management and Gentileza" in the night shifts of a University Hospital, from January to December 2017, explaining the articulation between the theoretical knowledge acquired in several disciplines of the Management Course of Health Services and extension practice. The project, aimed at night workers, sought to highlight their importance in the hospital environment by means of management and courtesy interventions in seven hospital units. The articulation between theory and practice permeated the various stages of the project, contributing to the formation of professionals capable of intervening in the daily life of health organizations in an innovative and effective way. The experience in the project certified the urgency to think of interventions permeated by actions of kindness in which all professionals are able to participate and benefit from the results.
Key words: Extension Project; Health Services Management; Night Work.



How to Cite

Zocratto KBF, Lopes TAS, Costa MV da S, Viana SMN, Camargos MCS. Projeto Gestão e Gentileza nos plantões noturnos de um hospital universitário: relato de experiência. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 May 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(121 abr-jun):636-44. Available from: